Welcome to Aspen Hill Farm: My name is Jenny and my husband is Tyler. We live on 6.5 acres in a beautiful mountain valley of Utah. We have three children, but are now empty nesters. We have lived on the farm for six years and love living here. We both grew up in small town Utah and are happy to be living in the country once again. Our objective is to create and use as many of our own products and resources that we can from what we make and grow on the farm. This has been a great learning experience and isn’t happening overnight, but each year have been trying out new things and learning as we go. We have been raising chickens, cows, pigs and turkeys. We have a small orchard and are looking to expand into more herbs and vegetables and raising a larger variety of fruit.
I am an artist and I teach classes from our newly remodeled art studio. The classes are typically offered on a monthly basis and we meet once a week for 2 to 3 nights during the month depending on the piece. I also create and sell original pieces as well as prints. The studio provides a great setting to get away and create your own unique art piece.
We are also a variety of herbal products. Dealing with health issues most of my life I have learned the value of clean and natural products. I have been studying herbs and the health impacts on the body. Through this study we have developed a number of teas and salves that are clean and natural.
We continue to research and expand our current product offerings, so check back with us often to see what we have to offer. We’ll be posting frequently about art, natural products, and all the happenings around the farm. We hope you join us on our journey.