Front Porch Musing Post #2
Front Porch Musing series is about pondering, thoughts, testimony, and probably everything in-between.
Happy New Year!
I have to admit I hate the new year! I hate seeing everyone’s New Years resolutions. Does that make me a bad person? I don’t like creating them for myself. Why you ask? Well I feel like before I would set out to finally lose the extra weight or be more successful or be more spiritual only to fail miserably. I have grown wiser over the years of failing over and over every year because it’s not what I had in my head? Wait What? My life doesn’t look like what I had in my head? How many of us do that? We have these expectations and when they don’t turn out like we thought, we think we have failed or even that we don’t deserve it, or that God doesn’t think we deserve it.
So I stop doing the thing that set me up right from the start, I stop letting those thoughts control my life.
I know I know, you are thinking but I have to do better, I have to set goals and dreams and New Years resolutions. I still set goals, I still have dreams but I stop doing New Years resolutions because for me it was setting me up for failure. I take little steps everyday to achieve those goals and dreams.
I also don’t choose a (one little word) for the year either. Why because again it set me up for failure. I feel like it puts me in a box and I felt like God had different plans for me but because I have limited myself to just this word for the whole year I am telling God I can’t because I can’t go outside of this one word. I want to put all my faith, all my dreams, all my goals in his hands. I want him to lead my life I want to walk hand in hand with Jesus and we do this all together.
I don’t limit myself to just one day out of the year, I do it every day with God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost helping me in every step I take and when the new year comes I can just be happy how far I have come instead of seeing my failures.
I can see that I have taken steps to reach my goals and dreams and sometimes they change into something different that I had never even thought of but by taking time everyday to check in with God and talk to him about them he shows me something different and I can change my course.
I am not here to say that if you make New Years resolutions or choose a word that it is wrong it might be exactly what you need but for me it was setting myself up for some major life sorrows
It’s ok to be different, its ok not to go along with what everyone else is doing.
Hope this New Year brings you joy!